You are hopefully aware that Stetson is moving office – not far as the crow flies – from 206 Ngarara Road to Number 18 at the aptly named Stetson Rise. Hence the title of this blog.
Back in 1993, one of our many productions of Ken Hill’s Original PHANTOM OF THE OPERA played in New Zealand, and we were keen to have a Kiwi play this title role. After much searching in the UK, and then persuasion, we managed to entice Mr Lee Grant to come back and play The Phantom.

His real name was Bogdan Kominowski, and he was terrific as The Phantom, with the recently departed Frank Windsor as his father. This was a lengthy tour, from April to August, and on such tours certain friendships develop beyond just an employer/employee relationship. Bogdan and his lady were special people who Tricia and I enjoyed very much.
At the end of the tour they gave us the gift below, which they’d had created specially by the pottery artist, Ann Clifford, based on the actual mask that Bogdan wore in the show. It has had pride of place in our home, and will continue to do so in our new abode.
This is the final blog for 2020; Tricia and I hope you have an enjoyable Festive Season wherever you are, and look forward to 2021 with optimism.