All at sea?

Back in the very early days of Stetson Productions we had great assistance from a number of enthusiastic youngsters whose eyes lit up at the prospect of having a taste of rock ‘n roll! One of these enthusiasts was Peter McArthur from Lower Hutt, who Tricia and I have had the pleasure of spending the last 3 days with – along with Sue – on their catamaran houseboat moored in the inner harbour at Tauranga (above).

Peter reminded us of many hilarious, and sometimes hair-raising, escapades. He reminded us of being on tours such as the enormously successful play ‘NIGHT & DAY’ and the 1976 tour of The HOLLIES. In the hair-raising category was the incident when the Stetson Sound truck he was driving from Wanganui to New Plymouth on the REG VARNEY tour caught fire and virtually melted on the roadside.

Since then Peter has lived an eclectic life from running a lighting company that we named the Light Brigade’ so that the invoices could read ‘The Charge of The Light Brigade’ to delving into timber reproduction with composite materials, to clever development of titanium for surgical instruments, and currently with gents at NASA on something I have no comprehension of.

So this has been a fun ride down memory lane, yet again, but with a nudge to looking forward to exciting prospects in this post-Covid age.